testy Consultancy Calculator This web page contains a live and functional spreadsheet created with SpreadsheetConverter. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser for the live calculations to work properly. Print Advanced analysis UoL Consultancy calculator v1.0 – Based on 2019 rates Sector Private sector (<=250 empoyees)Public sectorThird sector Enter your annual salary, before deductions (£) Number of days consultancy proposed Urgency of job (for client) Recommended daily rate low high Equivalent hourly rate Minimum daily rate (FEC) Ability to delivery Profit easy hard Total job worth (based on recommended rate) Risk association (risk premium) low high Equivalent income (indicative for each renumeration model) Revised quote Minus duration discount for jobs >10 days (%) 90% in a budget line Minus duration discount for jobs>10 days (£) 60% in a salary line (pre deductions) Sector discount (%) Likely cashable benefit from salary Recommended quote/price for job: Print All Information Please host the converted page in server to use Print All. Update Reset Print All Submit